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Direct Booking Audit

This audit studies your business website, call to action navigation, booking engine & other e-commerce tools like vouchers, shopping carts etc.  You will provide us with access to your e-commerce engines, to evaluate reports & product performance.


An evaluation will also be done to compare offers between your own site & obvious third party sites.


This audit will provide you with a detailed assessment of the opportunities to increase and attract direct business & insights into your current performance. 


An evaluation will be done of your primary online touch points & booking engine

  • Your business website
  • Google Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • OTA Offers vs website Offers
  • Value Ads & Price Guarantees
  • Website Booking Journey
  • Website Booking Experience
  • Product setup on your booking engine
  • Current performance analytics


You will receive a complete report, identifying

  • Existing opportunities to increase visibility on your own site & attract direct customers
  • Other more considered opportunities around converting OTA customers into direct customers
  • Recommendations of what more RevenueGen can do for you


Once you have purchased this product, we will get in touch with you to understand your desired outcomes and schedule the delivery time & date. 

Direct Booking Audit

Price Options
Annual Evaluation
Subscribe & Get $100 Off
$999.00every year for 2 years
    • We find working options that best suit your time & budget.
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